Leadership Inside Out

Issue 59

A final reflection, is it enough?

December 27, 2024

Another fifty-two weeks of learning, doing, and being completes.

As you reflect on the year, how are you feeling? What stories are you telling yourself?

Are you amazing at what you accomplished? Or are you just tired from pushing through?

If we want to grow and evolve in ways that usher in more joy, ease, and effectiveness, it is important to become aware of how you view your accomplishments and feel about your work.

Are you letting the projects that you didn’t complete overshadow everything you DID do?

Are you honoring the effort you put into the difficult challenges and the lessons learned or is fear gripping you with the thought that next year will be more of the same hard?

Beautiful human, I want to tell you that next year will NOT be the same, because YOU are not the same.

Each year we grow and learn. With intentional awareness the things that were hard the first time around become easier as we utilize the wisdom and experience the next time. Year after year we grow in our skills and experience. Unfortunately, far too often, we forget the length we’ve covered in our leadership development journey.

This forgetfulness and lack of awareness leads to recycling the pain and hard instead of utilizing the valuable lessons available to us.

“There is no failure, only winning and learning”.

When I reflect on 2024, I am personally blown away. It has truly been extraordinary.

I attribute the success of the year to developing a strong mindset, more self-compassion and an amazing support network, including but not limited to, our housecleaners, my massage therapist, personal trainer, and business coach.

Did 2024 bring challenges, heartache, and disappointment? Absolutely. But I was equipped with practices to face the hard, process the emotions, and release what is out of my control.

In March 2024, I posted this reel, explaining how the confirmation bias built into our brain creates our reality. Click and unmute to listen to the powerful soundtrack.

Following this recommendation, I opened my mind to possibility and opportunities arrived, in oh so many ways. This year I dug into how my brain and nervous system were trying to keep me safe (and small) and found courage and freedom in writing new stories about my ability to step into my potential.

Are you coming with me in 2025 to level up the joy and ease in your life?

If you are committed to making a positive impact in this world, no doubt there will be challenges. And my response is, “I know it can get better”.

Working WITH our beautiful brain, emotions, and embodied experience opens us to possibility and sustains us with a powerful authentic joy.

Join me as I choose to work and live “in flow” despite the circumstances of 2025.

I have a handful of spots available for 1:1 clients. Make sure to get on my calendar in the new year.

Open yourself to see how 2025 will be better. Equip yourself with the support to create a mind blowing year. -> We can image and create a plan together on our personalized Discovery Call.

Be well, Sonya

Now is the time to prioritize your wellbeing and develop the skills of being a leader that brings wellness to your organization through your own growth.