Leadership Inside Out

Issue 66

Five Magical Ingredients for Feeling Better Right Now

February 7, 2025

Think of these five things as the FUEL to get you moving through your day with more effectiveness, joy, and ease. They aren’t another thing you have to do. These are fun things you get to do to feel better now.

Pick one and do it right now. If you are like me and need reminders, schedule it into weekend now.

Take a moment to breathe: IN 1, 2, 3, 4, hold 1, 2, 3, 4, OUT 1, 2, 3, 4, hold (repeat).
Allow your focus to be held by your breath. Feel it in your lungs, throat, nose.
You can also tune in to this 13-minute meditation I shared on the We Are For Good Podcast.

Dance. Jump around. Sweat. Remind your brain and body that you are ALIVE and not a passive bystander in this crazy world.

Affirm your own humanness by ensuring that you eat, hydrate, and rest well.

Break up your routine of things you have to do and insert something fun. Doodle, sing a song, or cook a meal while being mindful. Get into your creative mind to release those good brain hormones.

Supportive human connection is the sauce that makes life better. Take a moment to express your gratitude for another human. Choose to be fully present. Everyone is going through something, and when you take the time to communicate with your energy that they matter, you and they will feel more motivated and at ease.

These are all aspects of my Holistic Leadership CHANGE model. We need to be well to lead well.

Taking care of your wellbeing enables you to take EMPOWERED and SUSTAINABLE action supporting those you love and standing up for human rights.

Rejuvenation Community Call:

Every Third Thursday of the Month.

Why join another call? In 25 mins you will:

-> Be energized midweek, midday

-> Find human connection

-> Reconnect with yourself

-> Be encouraged

Join me Thursday 2/20 at 12:05pm CT (1:05 ET/ 10:05am PT)

For a brief meditation, encouragement, and inspiration. Everyone Welcomed. It’s free.

Video call link: https://meet.google.com/mpm-iqzj-xsa

Or dial: ‪(US) +1 419-718-1080‬

PIN: ‪395 109 420‬#

Celebrating Black Authors:
Emergent Strategy- Shaping Change, Changing Worlds by adrienne maree brown

I definitely need to re-read this book in this current moment.

“Emergence is the way complex systems and patterns arise out of a multiplicity of relatively simple interactions. In the framework of emergence, the whole is a mirror of the parts. Change is constant. This book is about how we can shape the changes we experience to match our intentions using strategic methods that are as adaptive, resilient decentralised, and interdependent as the patterns of flocking birds or differentiating cells.”

Free Virtual Masterclass: Getting out of overwhelm in an age of Chaos – 3 Vital ways to work with you brain and stay afloat

Save the Date: Tuesday February, 18 @ 12 noon CT.

(Watch your inbox for more details and registration.

Be well, Sonya

Now is the time to prioritize your wellbeing and develop the skills of being a leader that brings wellness to your organization through your own growth.