Leadership Inside Out

A Weekly Newsletter of Reflections & Insights from Sonya Perez

Issue 65 – Don’t let fear shut off your power

Issue 65 – Don’t let fear shut off your power

Anxiety and fear are really tricky emotions that can throw us off guard. Oddly enough, we think that they keep us safe, but in actuality, they reduce our ability to respond effectively to any actual threat.

Issue 62 – 3 Burnout Alarms to Heed

Issue 62 – 3 Burnout Alarms to Heed

Any chance you’ve got a 2025 goals of “Don’t burnout” like one of my client? Maybe you have reframed it toward the positive… Maintain motivation, stay connected to joy and meaning, and care for my wellbeing in 2025.

Issue 61 – The Mystery of Mood Revealed

Issue 61 – The Mystery of Mood Revealed

Sometimes we wake up on the “wrong side of the bed”. Sometimes the news headlines or an upsetting social post gets under our skin and we can’t shake it.

Issue 57 – I DID IT! You can too

Issue 57 – I DID IT! You can too

It is always an honor to walk along side you, sharing my journey. Today, I’m celebrating a YEAR of writing this weekly newsletter.

Issue 54 – The change in our control

Issue 54 – The change in our control

Yesterday I sent an email with the subject Happiness & Peace is Possible. I know it kind of sounds like something embroidered on a decorative pillow, a cheesy wish; a phrase that could easily be dismissed in the face of whatever challenges you are feeling.

Issue 53 – The space between

Issue 53 – The space between

You can expect me, as a leadership coach, to talk about mental wellness and “focusing on the things we can control”. AND I believe it is also important to recognize and name the environment and moment in which we find ourselves, much of which we can’t control.

Issue 50 – Oh the Outrage

Issue 50 – Oh the Outrage

What can I say, I’m a passionate person. People working in social impact tend to be. Our care and empathy runs deep and propels us forward. It’s a good thing. And it makes sense that there are things in this world that really get my blood boiling.

Issue 49 – Responsibility Reframe

Issue 49 – Responsibility Reframe

Today, let’s chat about responsibility. It goes hand in hand with leadership; whether you are leading an organization, your family, or your own career, taking responsibility is required.

Issue 46 – An Way out of Emotional Fatigue

Issue 46 – An Way out of Emotional Fatigue

This week I have been deep in preparation for the Emotional Wellness for Leaders Masterclass. It was fun crystallizing the insights I have gained and the practices I use with my clients over the past several years.

Issue 45 – DEI & DNA – Why culturally rooted leadership matters

Issue 45 – DEI & DNA – Why culturally rooted leadership matters

Our identities, family history, and ethnic heritage do impact how we feel and show up in the world as leaders and individuals.

If you’ve never considered this, it’s likely you operate in an environment that’s homogeneous to your upbringing and cultural norms.

Issue 44 – Do you care too much?

Issue 44 – Do you care too much?

If you’re the type of person who feels things deeply, the world needs you. AND… the world needs you to NOT beat yourself up or let the emotions around you drain you beyond empty.

I often say, leadership is EMOTIONAL—especially if you care.

Issue 43 – What Happened To Playtime?

Issue 43 – What Happened To Playtime?

At what age did we lose the Right to Play in our mind?

When did we decide to turn play mode off and work mode on?

What voice are we listening to that says, “you can return to play when you retire”?

Who says, “play is for the weekend, IF you get your work done”?

Issue 42 – Let’s B.A.R.K. about it

Issue 42 – Let’s B.A.R.K. about it

As one of my clients cleverly coined for his staff and students, we need to remember to B.A.R.K. about it. Believe that we are Brave, Amazing, Responsible, and Kind. Their school mascot is a Bulldog, which makes sense, but the acronym resonated with me. I think we all could use some more BARK. Let me explain.

Issue 41 – More than your labor & worthy of more

Issue 41 – More than your labor & worthy of more

A lot of people are struggling right now, some with the transition to autumn, others dreading the US election and associated division and hatred elevated on media, and others are swamped by life demands. It feels like a lot. But it doesn’t have to.

Issue 40 – So many good things in store…

Issue 40 – So many good things in store…

I’m excited—not because the days are getting shorter, but because I have a lot of great things in store this fall to support you and all the beautiful humans in my community.

Issue 37 – Loneliness in Leadership

Issue 37 – Loneliness in Leadership

Very often see weigh my clients down, more so than any specific challenge is the loneliness and isolation of feeling like they have to figure it all out on their own.

Issue 34 – More Energy Please…

Issue 34 – More Energy Please…

One obvious way to get more energy is to rest… a simple solution is sometimes the best, but as I wrote about last week, it is not always easy.

Issue 33 – Rest without Guilt

Issue 33 – Rest without Guilt

Last week I was “out of office” – traveling in Alaska with my family, being wowed by wildlife and looooong days, full of sunlight.

Honoring Juneteenth

Honoring Juneteenth

Today is a reminder that positive change can happen. Through the commitment and fortitude of the abolitionist movement and the inspired imagination of all those who fought for the end of slavery, Emancipation became a reality on June 19, 1865.

Issue 29 – Imagining something better

Issue 29 – Imagining something better

Delegating work feels easy because you have developed the communication and expectation setting skills to get what you need, when you need it. You appreciate your team and they feel appreciated by you.

Issue 27 – When leadership feels hard

Issue 27 – When leadership feels hard

You do NOT need to sacrifice your wellbeing in order for you to be a good leader.
Your mental, emotional, and physical wellness is, in fact, what fuels your ability to lead differently.

Issue 26 – Breaking the Labels that Hurt Us All

Issue 26 – Breaking the Labels that Hurt Us All

The notions of “Balance”, “Perfection”, “Having Enough Time”, “Doing it Right” is an illusion that has us spinning in exhaustion, comparing ourselves to people in other “boxes” and it is simply hurting us all.

Issue 25 – Compost & Spring Blooms

Issue 25 – Compost & Spring Blooms

Shame is a suffocating emotion; but through my personal coaching and development I had built the emotional capacity to see it and feel beyond it.

Issue 24 – Finding the energy you need

Issue 24 – Finding the energy you need

Becoming aware of what drains your energy and investing in ways to reframe and refuel is critical to regaining the sustainable energy you need to enjoy your work and life.

Issue 22 – On Being Heard

Issue 22 – On Being Heard

Most likely you are the kind of leader that listens to your people. You know the basics of caring and effective leadership. In fact, you listen A LOT. Or at least you always try to.

Issue 21 – It’s ok to be human

Issue 21 – It’s ok to be human

At the start of every coaching session I invite my clients to take a moment to return to their body, to let themself feel supported by their breath and let their thoughts float by without judgement.

Issue 20 – How you feel matters

Issue 20 – How you feel matters

I start my newsletter with this question because how you are feeling matters. I recently saw a post that asked, “Are you sick of your job or is your job making you sick?”

Issue 19 – Tell me more…

Issue 19 – Tell me more…

Just three words, “Tell me more”, can create a powerful and meaningful connection. It’s a go-to coaching questions and an immediate bridge builder for any person trying to expand their understanding and create connection.

Issue 18 – Women’s Day – Leadership Inside Out

Issue 18 – Women’s Day – Leadership Inside Out

It’s International Women’s Day. How shall we celebrate? Let’s stop ignoring ALL the unpaid work women do. Just cause it’s unpaid, doesn’t make it less valuable. There’s a reason we’re exhausted and it’s not our fault.

Issue 17 – Diving in and reframing…

Issue 17 – Diving in and reframing…

Avoidance. (We’ve all been there). You know you should have that feedback conversation, but you aren’t sure how it will go. So you busy yourself with all the other ‘important’ things.

Issue 16 – A breakthrough recipe

Issue 16 – A breakthrough recipe

What is keeping you from taking action towards creating the change you know you want? (Nothing? Awesome. Read on for tips for when you find yourself stuck.)

Issue 15 – The love that transforms

Issue 15 – The love that transforms

I used to eyeroll when I heard anyone talk about “self-love”. 😒 I thought it was covertly selfish and vain. “We don’t need an excuse to stoke the ego.” I thought. ​But I was misunderstanding the concept.

Issue 14 – What was I thinking?

Issue 14 – What was I thinking?

“Psychological safety” is an academic term I first learned of while studying for my masters degree in Learning & Organizational Change. It is a necessary ingredient for learning and organizational health.

Issue 13 – What’s happening

Issue 13 – What’s happening

It’s been a minute since you’ve heard from me. But the learning and growth has not stopped… In fact, it’s been so much, let’s grab a drink & hangout. Join me TODAY for my first every impromptu Hat Happy Hour.

Feel Better Lead Better Five day adventure

I write a newsletter called Leadership Inside Out(TM). Don’t miss an episode, subscribe now to get the good stuff right in your inbox.