Leadership Inside Out

Issue 67

Fierce Love & The Mental Fitness to get there

February 15, 2025

Hello, Happy Valentine’s Day.

Whether you celebrate or not, EVERYONE loves to be seen and known.

It’s the human experience. We love love.

But sometimes our protective brain and automatic responses sabotage our efforts to give and receive love well. The good news is, with AWARENESS we can interrupt our self-sabotage with a little mental fitness.

I had this situation just last week with my husband. The diagram below outlines the different results we create when awareness and mental fitness is practiced.

In this case, LOVE is interrupting myself.

I did in fact, tell my husband as I was processing my hurt, “I am wanting to tell myself stories that are untrue. Give me a minute”.

When I have the mental awareness to question my thoughts and bring a little levity to it, I feel so much more empowered.

I was able to embrace his humanness and disrupt my well practiced negative spin.

This is the power of internal transformation. Old negative cycles CAN be transformed through somatic coaching, embodied awareness, and practice.

I have found that, LOVE is… investing in my mental fitness. It makes my work and life so much better.

Better than chocolate, or flower, or really, anything else.

Of course, it is easier said than done, but that is the value of coaching. I help my clients move that head knowledge into their body and practice. We create new neurological pathways (i.e. mental muscles) and new ways of being.

Curious how coaching could transform your life and work experiences? A discovery call is the best way for us to chat about what coaching is like and what amazing transformations you could make with this type of support and tools.

Flowers from my husband, David. Who is much less forgetful than me.

I am excited for the return of my masterclass series in 2025, which is very timely. The past four weeks have reminded me how absolutely essential these practices will be over the next four years. Join me on Tuesday in getting out of overwhelm, learn together, and leave with practical ways to support yourself.

The BEST alternative to looking at your phone for that quick brain break.

Join me live Thursday 2/20 at 12:05pm CT (1:05 ET/ 10:05am PT) Just 20 mins.

For a brief meditation, encouragement, and inspiration. Everyone Welcomed. It’s free.

Video call link: https://meet.google.com/mpm-iqzj-xsa Or dial: ‪(US) +1 419-718-1080‬ PIN: ‪395 109 420‬#

Be well, Sonya

Now is the time to prioritize your wellbeing and develop the skills of being a leader that brings wellness to your organization through your own growth.