Behind the name: Leadership Inside Out

Photo by Jehyun Sung on Unsplash
Leadership is not easy.
If it was, we would not experience such high levels of burnout, anxiety, and disengagement.
Unfortunately, overworking and overwhelm is normalized in our society.
Leaders are constantly faced with tough decisions with no right answers.
They face all the negative feedback (or deal with the lack of any feedback) feeling isolated and lonely.
Leaders are responsible to motivate and communicate clearly, even when things are muddy in their own mind.
Leaders face the conundrum of “being in charge” but feeling like very little, if anything, is actually in their control.
All of this responsibility falls heavy on your shoulders.
Whether you are leading a large organization, department, or independent project, I see you.
I see how indecision, difficult conversations, lack of clarity and confidence is sucking your energy and joy.
I know the struggle and have seen the exhaustion.
Nonprofit & social enterprise leaders are committed to “Being the change they want to see in the world” so we continue to push through, hoping that something changes externally so we can someday rest.
But like I recently posted about on Instagram, there is more to the famous Ghandi quote.

It is not about all the DOING, it is about the internal transformation that creates sustainable change.
Understanding and caring for the internal world of a leader is the key to creating the change you want to see.
Addressing the mental, emotional, and embodied nature of your work unlocks your potential.
Together we access more capacity, clarity, and sustainable energy by working from the Inside Out.

Reflection Time
- What is the biggest weight you’re carrying as a leader?
- What if you gave yourself permission to reframe that weight?
- How are you caring for what’s happening inside of you?
Want to hold yourself to ACTUALLY answering these questions? Get in touch… I’m here for you.
Take your leadership to the next level, book a free Discovery Call below to see what working together would look like.
Con Amor, Sonya
P.S. Overheard in a coaching session:
“It’s weird how calm I am feeling. Using the reframing we talked about, the conversation with my staff was so productive and did not send me spinning like it used to”.
— Client experiencing transformation. 🥳