Leadership Inside Out

Issue 46

An Way out of Emotional Fatigue

October 10, 2024

This week I have been deep in preparation for the Emotional Wellness for Leaders Masterclass. It was fun crystallizing the insights I have gained and the practices I use with my clients over the past several years. As I pulled examples from client transformations and verbalized the real impact, I was reminded of the MASSIVE value that investing in expanding one’s emotional capacity brings to life & leadership.

Emotional Health Changes Everything. But how do we REALLY cultivate that?

There has been so many times earlier in my life I just assumed the intensity in which I felt emotions was a liability or simply the price I had to pay for being passionate. I did not know I could work with them, gain wisdom from them, and powerfully move through my emotions.

Reflection Questions:

  • On a scale of 1-10 How much do you know about how your mind and body creates emotions?
  • How often do you feel paralyzed or in a heated reaction due to your emotional state?
  • Do you know how to process and utilize all (+/-) emotions effectively?

Taking time to reflect helps increase your awareness and empowers a more conscious responses to your emotions.

If you missed yesterday’s first class there is still chance for you to register, attend today (FRIDAY) and to get access to the replay.

Attendee Comments from the first class:

“I don’t have a question, but I just wanted to reflect back to you just how truly insightful these last 50 minutes have been. … I feel like you did such a great job pushing us to really identify the emotion and connected to that the slowing down required to do that. … there’s so much goodness here. So thank you.”

If you want to know more about my take on emotions, I invite you to check out my guest blog post, Emotions in Nonprofit Work: Time for a Deeper Understanding for The Nonprofit Hive.

Hispanic Heritage Month September 15- October 15 2024

I don’t like the alignment of Latina Equal Pay Day (Oct. 3rd ’24) and Hispanic Heritage Month. In fact, it’s atrocious. But it is taking the focus in this section today because it’s necessary that I write about it.

What is Latina Equal Pay Day? It is the date that symbolizes the pay gap between White Non-Hispanic men and Latinas. We have to work 9 months and 3 days extra to reach the same pay. The general Equal Pay Day demonstrating the gender pay gap is March 12th.

I shared a vulnerable reflection about Latina Pay Day on Instagram. Click the image to watch.

I want to add to my reflection that pay inequity is personal and systemic. Personally it is laced with issues of identity, social narratives/ norms, shame, and a chronic undervaluing of the work we do.

“Making money” was never a driving force for me. I know how to be content and enjoy life with a small price tag, and as a result of my cultural roots, I know how to survive and make resources stretch… I like that about myself.

I have learned through my own development journey, healing, and unlocking of my own potential, I will no longer sit in the emotion of shame for making “too much”, or shame for “making too little”. Enough with the shame. I will own and celebrate the value I create. (I also love helping all my clients do this). And I am working on not bypassing the incredible results my clients are experiencing as a results of working with me.

Because being too humble is just keeping more people from experiencing the emotional freedom, mental clarity, and joy in their career they could have by working with me.

When we acknowledge and own the value we create (in our organizations, homes, and businesses), we show up as unafraid, confident leaders and start closing that pay gap. Together, we all grow.

Reading Resource:
You Sound Like a White Girl – The Case for Rejecting Assimilation by Julissa Arce

A huge part of owning your leadership journey and feeling confident and empowered is understanding who you are and the narratives that impact your identity.

This. Book. 

I listened to it on a long flight this summer and I was wrecked, in the best way. So many tears.

I have done a ton of identity work and personal study to understand what Julia speaks of… but just wow, to have all her thoughts and so much Chicana history in one book. Just wow.

Latin@s, Amigas, people who want to expand their knowledge and understanding of the complexity and beauty the Latino American experience – Read this book.

Or request it at your local library.
I Love Public Libraries. Increased circulations help their numbers.

“Until our history, struggles, unique experiences are unearthed the whole country will suffer because the American story will remain incomplete.

It is incredible what our people have survived in this country and how little Americans of all races and ethnicities, and backgrounds know about it.

When our rich past is kept from us it leads people to believe that we belong somewhere else outside of this country.

Without an accurate telling of our history we
We cannot fully address the peoples that are rootes in the past.

When we are viewed as foreigners our issues become someone elses problems, not Americans problem.

The truth is America is Latino is America.”

October 10th is World Mental Health Day.

Join me at the We Are For Good #Impactup Virtual Gathering. A day for social impact leaders to find the power in the pause + talk about our mental health – together.

The all day conference PAUSE will feature Live Keynote, Panel Discussions, Community + Networking, Guided Workshop, and One Good Things! -> Join for FREE

Doors closing SOON for Radical Leadership Circle! Sign up by 10/10

On the first 90 min call we will explore:

  • Creating safety/building trust
  • Establishing agreements and sharing goals
  • Making the invisible barriers, visible
  • Celebration & gratitude

Do you want to lead meetings that energize and build connection? Come develop these skills and SO MUCH MORE in the Radical Leadership Circle.

be well, Sonya

Are you feeling a pull to improve the way you show up in your life—as both a human and a leader? I’m here to help you find internal peace so you can smash the social norms in your mind that keep you stuck and exhausted. Ready to explore what is possible?