Leadership Inside Out

Issue 47

A fix for the Never Ending To-Do’s

October 11, 2024

Do you feel like you have a lot on your plate? I actually don’t know any motivated leader that is kicking their feet up saying, it’s ALL DONE.

Because if you are a leader you are probably ALWAYS aware of things that could be improved and have a laundry list that will never be completed because it is always growing.

The question is not whether or not you have more to do. It is, are you noticing all that you have accomplished?

Take a moment to look back and celebrate. Like really soak in your effort and be proud. Most likely, it will help quiet that lie in your head that says you don’t deserve rest.

I also want to invite you to reflect on the question, “How do I want to live with and relate to the reality that there will always be more ideas of things I ‘could’ do?

That long list can cause shame and guilt and general fatigue, but it doesn’t have to.

I choose to be grateful for my mind that is always coming up with ideas; I’m a creative, motivated person. I choose to take time to pause so that I can get clarity on what is important, prioritize and trust that I have enough time to complete what I am meant to complete.

And it is much easier to complete my work when my brain is not yelling at me and making me feel anxious about my inadequacies or the ticking clock. Instead, let’s have some fun and celebrate.

This is the mental fitness that I teach my clients. In coaching you learn to shift your inner voice to be more supportive and helpful.

Hispanic Heritage Month September 15 – October 15 2024

I hope you have enjoyed this special section of my newsletter as much as I have enjoyed writing it. I love hearing how it has resonated and/or educated you.

Since we live in a racialized society I think it is worthwhile to state that Latino is not a race. We struggle to fit into the binary conversation of Black and White in the United States. Within Latinidad there is a multitude of races, subcultures, access to privileges, and experiences. One cannot assume an immigration story, one’s comfort with Spanish/English, or even how someone prefers to identity themselves. We are mass diverse like that. I also think that unity among incredible diversity can be a part of our leadership super power.

Yes, the Hispanic/Latino experiences are complex and so is the ever changing challenges facing our society. We know that together we are stronger.

Expand your Mind:
American Historia- The Untold History of Latinos

I believe it is difficult to craft your future without an understanding and valuing of your past.

I remember watching John Leguizamo’s Netflix show, Latin History for Morons (2018) and realizing I had been deprived of my history.

I am now looking forward to watching his educational 3 part series on PBS which has just aired this month. Enjoy

October 10th is World Mental Health Day.

Join me at the We Are For Good #Impactup Virtual Gathering. A day for social impact leaders to find the power in the pause + talk about our mental health – together.

The all day conference PAUSE will feature Live Keynote, Panel Discussions, Community + Networking, Guided Workshop, and One Good Things! -> Join for FREE

You’re Invited to join the Live Call This Saturday Oct. 12 @ 10:05 am CST (11:05 am EST/ 8:05am PST)

  • 25 minutes to pause, re-center, and discover ways to rejuvenate yourself in this busy world.
  • Google Meet call link: https://meet.google.com/nhs-skcd-rxa
  • Or dial: ‪(US) +1 513-666-7417‬ PIN: ‪216 444 401‬#

Unable to attend but needing support in taking a minute to pause and meditate?
Check out this short We Are for Good Podcast. Recorded with so much love for everyone needing a way back to a moment of peace.

Your nervous system deserves the time to pause, and your body and mind will thank you for it

be well, Sonya

Are you feeling a pull to improve the way you show up in your life—as both a human and a leader? I’m here to help you find internal peace so you can smash the social norms in your mind that keep you stuck and exhausted. Ready to explore what is possible?