Leadership Inside Out

Issue 49

Responsibility Reframe

October 18, 2024

Today, let’s chat about responsibility. It goes hand in hand with leadership; whether you are leading an organization, your family, or your own career, taking responsibility is required.

Many people find themselves in leadership roles because they have, “Always been the responsible one”. Taking care of all the things has gotten you far in life. It’s most likely a part of your identity. But it can be a tricky if it is not investigated. How are you embodying responsibility? In a toxic or healthy way?

What do you think? Do you feel the weight of toxic responsibility? Understanding our deep relationship with responsibility can unlock a more joyful and empowered way to lead.

A Reading Resource:

​15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership – A new paradigm for sustainable success

The first commitment in this great book is Radical Responsibility. I highly recommend checking out this new approach to thinking about responsibility. 

Expand your Mind:
American Historia- The Untold History of Latinos

I believe it is difficult to craft your future without an understanding and valuing of your past.

I remember watching John Leguizamo’s Netflix show, Latin History for Morons (2018) and realizing I had been deprived of my history.

I am now looking forward to watching his educational 3 part series on PBS which has just aired this month. Enjoy

One thing you can take 100% responsibility for is, your mental wellbeing and creating practices to support it. Not sure how to start? Check out this short podcast episode.

be well, Sonya

Curious what other leadership concepts could use a reframe in your life? Book a discovery call to explore how taking responsibility of your personal leadership journey is the best think you can do.