Issue 55
Hitting your inbox early. Don’t miss this one
May this week be filled with gratitude, reflection, and rest as we move into the final month of the calendar year.
In this Issue:
- A short reflection on Indigenous Wisdom to shift how we think of Leadership
- Reflection Questions
- Celebrating Native American Heritage Month
- A New Year’s SPA Party Invite (Get your Ticket TODAY!)
- Black Friday Bundle for Nonprofits (Sale Ends Dec. 2nd!)
What guides our thinking & behavior?
The way a leader shows up and behaves is, in part, a result of social narratives (often subconscious). Unless we investigate and question our own thoughts we unknowingly integrate cultural ideas such as Command and Control, Winner Takes All, and A Leader Needs its Dominion.
We continue to think the way we’ve always thought until we create space for new ideas, seed by seed, to take root.
The words in Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer sow seeds of ideas that disrupt the dominance approach to leadership. If you haven’t read this beautiful book, I highly recommend it. It’s such a pleasant read. Through it’s pages I learned about the Haudenosaunee creation story Fallwoman, that weaves a story of cooperation and mutual support and The Three Sisters story of corn, beans, and squash which share a mutually benefitting relationships that enabled the Native Americans to have a bountiful harvest by understanding the unique nature and needs of the plants.
In addition to the beautiful stories of nature and indigenous wisdom, as a PhD biologist Kimmerer weaves in the scientific facts on how nature truly thrives through symbiotic relationships.
The world around us is woven of complex interconnected relationships – an ecosystem – in which mutual respect, kindness, and abundance flow through meaningful connections.
If we desire to see our teams, organizations, and family thrive, it need not be at the expense of our own wellness.
Within a mutually supportive, cooperative framework there is room for depending on each other to carry the load (instead of toxic responsibility) and the opportunity to seek organizational practices and policies that support the thriving of the WHOLE ecosystem.
We simply need to expand our thinking beyond the hierarchical, dominant, winner & losers and self-sacrificing approach to leadership. What if, as I wrote about on LinkedIN, we all sat down to eat together?
If you feel guilty for using time or resources for your rest and wellbeing, I invite you question why? If you struggle to see the possibility for win/win solutions you might need a thought partner/ or coach to support the exploration of different possibilities for the way you approach leadership challenges.
Reflection Questions:
- What challenges are you framing in winner and losers?
- How could highlighting the individual strengths & needs of your team (Like in the story of The Three Sisters) contribute to a richer more inclusive environment?
Following Native Educational Accounts and Exploring different viewpoints can help expand your thinking.
IllumiNative is a Native woman-led racial & social justice org building power for Native people by amplifying Native voices, stories & issues.
Tunes that Heal
I am a big believer that art and creativity is medicine for the soul. My leadership is inspired daily by the truth and beauty created by other humans. Enjoy native artist Raye’s music.
“Hate can’t be the face of the American Dream … I’ve got to believe that change is a choice and it can start with me”.
Join me IN REAL LIFE in Minnesota!
It’s Back: Black Friday Bundle for Nonprofits!
I am contributing a guided meditation for overwhelmed nonprofit professionals alongside 35 other incredible digital products for nonprofits big and small. The crazy part? This year’s bundle is valued at over $4200, but for the one week sale – it will be priced at just $97. Sale ends Dec. 2nd.
Discovery Call Week
If you’ve been on the fence… wanting to take action to feel better, up-level your leadership skills, stop feeling chronically overwhelmed & stuck, NOW’S YOUR TIME.
A Discovery Call is a no pressure, private 1:1 hour video call to explore what’s holding you back, and to create a clear path forward to embody the confidence, authenticity, power within.
Be well, Sonya
Now is the time to prioritize your wellbeing and develop the skills of being a leader that brings wellness to your organization through your own growth.