Leadership Inside Out

Issue 58

Healing Connections (A winter solstice how to message)

December 20, 2024

Tomorrow is winter solstice. As we acknowledge the long nights and the certain hope of the light returning , I think of the personal areas that feel dark and cold and seek the warmth that I know is possible.

As author Charles Eisenstein describes, we are in the Age of Separation. It doesn’t take much to see division and isolation. The various fractures in our connection to the earth, to each other, and to ourselves make the world feel heavy, cruel, and cold.

And yet, with the same certain hope laced in winter solstice, it is in healing our connections that the light returns.

I don’t think anyone is immune to broken connections… in our family, in our work place, or even in our ability to listen to our own needs.

Are there certain relationships that come to mind?

If you let yourself think about it, it probably hurts. What’s your response?

Can you notice it without judgement? What if you got curious? What if you opened yourself to see places of mutual connection?

Curiosity, openness and a willingness to learn are not easy when in pain. Defensiveness, closing down, and judgement can easily be my go to. These practiced self protection mechanisms seem like the safer route and yet they only further the isolation and pain.

Healing connections requires courage. Healing connections is leadership.

This week’s resource, A guide to being brave in relationships provides some great recommendations for family, partner, and friendship relationships.

Kelly Corrigan offers these seven words as effective phrases to build connection.

Tell me more.

What else?

Go on.

Now is the time to lean in and listen.

We finally had our first big snowfall in Minneapolis, just in time for winter solstice.

In Ojibwe tradition, snow on the ground means it’s sacred storytelling season. So I’m taking it as a gift. Time for sharing stories and rebuilding connection.

Reflection Questions:

  • Is there someone in your work that you feel called to reach out and build or restore a connection?
  • Where you do need to open yourself to hear others stories?
  • Most importantly, when are you creating time to listen to what you need? What stories are you telling yourself and which ones do you need to let go of?

Listening Resource

A guide to being brave in relationships – NPR Ted Radio

From sustaining a marriage to making new friends, forming connections requires courage. This hour, TED speakers guide us through being brave during the most difficult moments in relationships.

Guests include writer and podcaster Kelly Corrigan, journalist Allison Gilbert and clinical psychologists Julie and John Gottman.

A Twin Cities Event!! January 4th 8p-11p. RSVP NOW.

Join me in doing New Year’s Intentions by incorporating our body.

  • What does my body need in 2025?
  • How can I push myself in exhilarating ways that remind my nervous system of my amazing capacity?
  • What old narratives and self beliefs do I need to sweat out?

Join me in doing New Year’s Intentions by incorporating our body.

  • What does my body need in 2025?
  • How can I push myself in exhilarating ways that remind my nervous system of my amazing capacity?
  • What old narratives and self beliefs do I need to sweat out?

Be well, Sonya

Now is the time to prioritize your wellbeing and develop the skills of being a leader that brings wellness to your organization through your own growth.