Leadership Inside Out

Issue 61

The Mystery of Mood Revealed

January 10, 2025

Sometimes we wake up on the “wrong side of the bed”.

Sometimes the news headlines or an upsetting social post gets under our skin and we can’t shake it.

Sometimes the motivation we felt last night, last week, or when we started this job, seems to have floated out the window, nowhere to be found.

We find ourselves “IN A MOOD”.

What do we do THEN?! Maribel, I’ve been there.

Depending on your wiring, upbringing, and beliefs about yourself, we draw on routine behavior in these moments. It could look like:

  • Pushing through but not being happy about it.
  • Avoiding the tasks and feel guilty about it.
  • Scrolling on social media.
  • Eating a snack.
  • Doing busy work that feels urgent but really isn’t really important.
  • Wondering if you should change jobs.
  • Questioning all your life choices … Ok this one may be extreme but when I’m “in a mood” my brain can get dicey.

You get the picture.

EVERYONE goes through those times of low motivation and overwhelm. It’s totally human. We all know our own version of how we automatically cope.

Even though we all experience being in a poor mood, we DON’T have to stay stuck in our typical response, spiraling in our mental and emotional state.

Here are 3 simple steps I use to more effectively manage my mood. Try them next time you need a “pick me up”.

1. Notice Without Judgement

If you care about being an effective impactful leader then a lack of motivation or a poor mood can be seen as a huge inconvenience. My brain tends to categorize a lack of motivation as BAD. I’m inclined to rush to fix it, ignore it or shame myself instead of acknowledging it as a part of the human experience.

Our mood does not have to be a problem, especially as we develop the skill of working with it. When we notice how we are feeling and acknowledge it, that part of us stops screaming at us for our attention.

2. Get Curious

Once you name the emotion, ask yourself, “Why?”. Listen for the answer…

Sometimes it’s a thought like, “I wanted that thing to go differently“, I’m tired of feeling like I am the only one who cares about xyz”, “I don’t know how to solve this problem”.

Our thoughts can be tricky, they feel true, but sometimes they aren’t. Sometimes they are true and simply need to be acknowledged.

Sometimes our mood is impacted by the physical – lack of sleep, hormonal shifts, low blood sugar. Acknowledging the physical impact on our mood can help us consciously make adjustments.

We don’t always need to know exactly WHY, but a little bit of awareness and acknowledgement goes a long way in unlocking a more empowered way of being & leading.

3. Take one small supportive action, and then another, and another if needed.

  • Write out your gratitude. You don’t need a fancy journal, open a note or grab the back of an envelope and start listing all that you are grateful for… running water, working internet, air in your lungs,… keep going. This always helps shift my mood.
  • Clear the mental clutter. Write out what you think you need to do, then circle the ONE thing you commit to do.
  • Change your environment. Clear your desk, work from a different space, light a candle.
  • Get into your body. Wash your face in cold water, do some jumping jacks, or turn on some music for a 90 second dance party. Our physical senses hugely impact our state of mind.

These 3 steps can take less than 10 minutes, but will save you hours of feeling miserable slogging through whatever poor mood you find yourself in.

My coaching helps individuals take into account the fullness of who they are as human leaders so they can more effectively create change.

If you feel stuck in a mood or mode of operating that is draining your energy, keeping you from your potential and a life of joy, coaching is a great option.

Working with me you will develop more mental fitness, emotional capacity, and embodied wellness so that you can create a life you LOVE and impact the world in positive ways, NOW is the time.

When you FEEL BETTER, you can LEAD BETTER. Change is possible. Let’s work together to effectively handle whatever 2025 throws our way.

Rejuvenation Community Call:

Every Third Thursday of the Month.

Sometimes shifting our mood needs to happen in community.

LA Fires, ICE raids, the pending inauguration, and ongoing genocide is A LOT for our human nervous system to manage. Ignoring our fear & anxiety is not the only option to maintain our mental health.

Join me Thursday 1/16 at 12:05pm CT (1:05 ET/ 10:05am PT)

For a brief meditation, encouragement, and inspiration. Everyone Welcomed. It’s free.

Video call link: https://meet.google.com/mpm-iqzj-xsa

Or dial: ‪(US) +1 419-718-1080‬

PIN: ‪395 109 420‬#

Be well, Sonya

Now is the time to prioritize your wellbeing and develop the skills of being a leader that brings wellness to your organization through your own growth.