Leadership Inside Out

Issue 62

THREE Burnout Alarms to Heed

January 17, 2025

Any chance you’ve got a 2025 goals of “Don’t burnout” like one of my client?

Maybe you have reframed it toward the positive… Maintain motivation, stay connected to joy and meaning, and care for my wellbeing in 2025.

Or perhaps it’s a more simple vision: FULLY ALIVE IN 2025.

If the goal is “Don’t Burnout”, let’s unpack the warning signs so you can course correct back to fully alive ASAP.

Three Warning Signs of Burnout

1. Lack of Progress – Do you feel like you are spinning your wheels and getting nowhere?

First, let’s bring awareness to this feeling. Is it TRUE?! Our mind it wired to think about things we still need to do and completely forget the things that have been completed. Take a minute to simply highlight what has been accomplished.

Did the delays or failures that you are seeing as lack of progress produce new insights or learnings?

Did you spend any time celebrating the progress made? It’s not too late to thank or congratulate yourself for progress made that you moved past too quickly.

2. Lack of Meaning – What’s the point of this anyway?

Usually there was/is a point to the work that you are doing. Maybe you have lost sign of it. Perhaps your connection to the greater impact has gotten lost. The thread between the tasks you are doing and the values it creates need to reattached.

Our culture is kind of addicted to immediate results. So it makes sense you might begin to question the meaning of your work if you can’t see the impact right away. I invite you to take a longer view, especially when it comes to doing good and social change. The Haudenosaunee (Iroquois) and many other indigenous people believe one should consider the impact on the next seven generations to come. It’s definitely an exercise in taking the long view.

But what about those annoying tasks like cleaning up a database, or shuffling kids from school to afterschool activities and getting them to bed?! Ask yourself “Why is this important?”. And you aren’t aloud to say, “Because I have to”.

Can you find meaning in the tasks that you like the least? If not, it’s probably time to make some changes. Which brings us to our final alarm bell.

3. Lack of Autonomy – Do you feel like you have no options?

This is a really crapy, life draining place to be. I am not denying the fact that some people are afforded more choices than others. But, if you are reading this email with some level of access to the internet and access to education which has enabled the ability to read, than you’ve got some options.

It just so happens that your circumstances and past experiences have you feeling trapped and unable to think about what is possible. You have lost connection with your internal power to take action that leaves you feeling good.

What DO you have control over? How can you prioritize taking action in that area instead of stressing over the things you don’t have control over?

You many need to explore different career options. You may need to adjust your personal expectations. You may need to shift where you spend your energy and focus.

No matter your situation… there are options and real ways to reconnect with JOY and protect yourself against burnout.

I love helping individuals explore this path out of exhaustion and map out developing the mental, emotional and embodied leadership skills that will protect their wellbeing no matter the circumstance.

Reflection Questions:

  • Do I believe I am in control of my energy, motivation, and impact?
  • Am I feeling any of the warning signs above?
  • What can I do to help mitigate these warning signs among my the people that I lead?

Let’s have some FUN!

On LinkedIN I posted a video of playing at Bubble Planet.

When the world feels super intense play becomes even more important. It’s not about ignoring reality, it’s about caring for our nervous system and wellbeing so that we can more effectively response instead of react or freeze.

Join the conversation on LinkedIN and share how you connect with joy and any good news or signs of progress that will inspire us all.

Be well, Sonya

Now is the time to prioritize your wellbeing and develop the skills of being a leader that brings wellness to your organization through your own growth.