Issue 64 – A morning reflection 10 days in

Issue 64 – A morning reflection 10 days in

Issue 58 Healing Connections (A winter solstice how to message) “May you be happy” the guided meditation prompted me this morning. …?… Have they seen my newsfeed?! I am not happy about the pain and suffering this administration has unleashed upon our country. It...
Issue 62 – 3 Burnout Alarms to Heed

Issue 62 – 3 Burnout Alarms to Heed

Issue 62 THREE Burnout Alarms to Heed Any chance you’ve got a 2025 goals of “Don’t burnout” like one of my client? Maybe you have reframed it toward the positive… Maintain motivation, stay connected to joy and meaning, and care for my...
Issue 61 – The Mystery of Mood Revealed

Issue 61 – The Mystery of Mood Revealed

Issue 61 The Mystery of Mood Revealed Sometimes we wake up on the “wrong side of the bed”. Sometimes the news headlines or an upsetting social post gets under our skin and we can’t shake it. Sometimes the motivation we felt last night, last week, or when we started...